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Trainings and workshops provided by the Kyrgyz Community Based Tourism Association “Hospitality Kyrgyzstan”


Title: Community Based Tourism (CBT) Methodology
2-3 days
Target Group: Trainers who will be involved in project implementation

Main sessions:
 Tools for providing APPA (Appreciative Participatory Planning and Action)
 To develop Community Based Conservation and Development Plans in their own context
 Introduction to the concept and principles of Community Based Tourism, Participation, Appreciative Inquiry and Appreciative Participatory Planning and Action (APPA)
 Practical application of APPA with target group
 Application of what participants learned from the course in their own working environment
 Participatory community based monitoring, evaluation and planning.


Title: Training for Facilitators-moderators
2 days
Target Group: Trainers, facilitators-moderators

Main sessions:
 Rules for facilitators
 Method of paraphrasing
 Method of visualization
 Characteristics of an adult audience
 Effective presentation
 Method of working with an audience

Title: Community Based Development (CBD) Project Planning
2-3 days
Target Group: A group of people who need to develop an Action Plan with indicators and means of verification (for example: local communities or project staff)

Main sessions:
 Developing CBD objectives
 Identifying products (individual dreams and common dream)
 Design session (prioritization based on feasibility of local action)
 Developing indicators and means of verification for the whole Action Plan
 Setting responsibilities and work schedule
 Immediate action


Title: Tourism Marketing
2-3 days
Target Group: Parties who are interested in promoting their tourism product

Main sessions:
 Introduction to Marketing
 Components of Marketing
 Specificity of Marketing services
 Demand and supply of tourism services
 Tourism classification
 Clients needs and motivation
 Segmentation of tourism market
 Tourist demand-driven product and its development and monitoring
 Price and calculation
 Main promotion tools and materials

Title: Welcoming Guests
2-3 days
Target Group: Service providers

Main sessions:
 How to provide tourists with the level of comfort they expect
 Calculation
 The main needs of clients
 Criteria for being a successful service provider
 Quality monitoring

Title: International Cuisine
2-3 days
Target Group: Service providers

Main sessions:
 Providing food for foreigners
 Food hygiene
 The main principles of menu development for breakfast, lunch and dinner
 Calculation
 How to lay the table
 Practical preparation of some dishes

Title: Product Development
2-3 days
Target Group: Service providers

Main sessions:
 What is marketing? Marketing complex. Supply and Demand of tourism services.
 Product development cycle. Tour description.
 Price. Calculating the cost of tourism products
 Promotion and sales channels

Title: Effective organization and work of Tourist Information Office Duration: 2-3 days Target Group: Service providers

Main sessions:
 TIO organizational standards
 Basics of working with clients at TIO
 Practical methods of selling
 Client and Needs
 Handling complaints

Title: Front Line Staff
2-3 days
Target Group: Service providers

Main sessions:
 The main needs of clients
 Anticipate needs
 What is a customer?
 Basic needs
 Quality
 Key indicators for client orientation
 Handling complaints

Title: Drawing up a Business Plan
2-3 days
Target Group: Service providers

Main sessions:
 Functions of a Business Plan
 The main chapters of a Business Plan
 Financial Plan: balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement

Title: Sustainable Development of an Organization
2-3 days
Target Group: Service providers

Main sessions:
 Concept of an organization's sustainability. Factors influencing an organization's sustainability
 The Onion model of an organization's development and its components.
 Common values of a group
 Mission, culture and structure of a group
 SWOT – analysis of a group as a team
 Developing an Action Plan stressing operational, institutional and financial sustainability

Title: Conflict Resolution and Team Building
2-3 days
Target Group: Community member

Main sessions:
 Stages in the teams’ development
 The role of the leaders
 Conflicts, their categories and reasons why the occur
 Objections
 Conflict management

Title: Guide Training
3-5 days
Target Group: Guides

Main sessions:
 Map reading and orientation
 Tours' main attractions and equipment needed
 Planning and arranging a tour
 Possible threats and first aid
 Instructions for horseback riding beginners


The budget for each training / seminar is not developed in advance, but depends on local conditions and is fully paid by the customer. The main budget items include:
1. The cost of teachers:
 Remuneration, including one day for the preparation of the seminar and one day for the preparation of the report on the seminar / training;
 Costs of accommodation and meals;
 Transportation costs (airline tickets, taxi).
2. Organizational expenses:
 Coffee breaks, lunches
 Handout for participants
3. Equipment rental (boards, flipcharts (lecture posters on rails), moderators)
4. Copying of documents and handouts, including reports on the seminar (training).

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Address: 58, Gor’kiy St. (intersection with Matrosov St.), 720031, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Phone: +996 312 443331
Mobile: +996 770 443331
WhatsApp:+996 770 443331