Main sessions:
Tools for providing APPA (Appreciative Participatory Planning and Action)
To develop Community Based Conservation and Development Plans in their
own context
Introduction to the concept and principles of Community Based Tourism,
Participation, Appreciative Inquiry and Appreciative Participatory Planning
and Action (APPA)
Practical application of APPA with target group
Application of what participants learned from the course in their own
working environment
Participatory community based monitoring, evaluation and planning.
Main sessions:
Rules for facilitators
Method of paraphrasing
Method of visualization
Characteristics of an adult audience
Effective presentation
Method of working with an audience
Main sessions:
Developing CBD objectives
Identifying products (individual dreams and common dream)
Design session (prioritization based on feasibility of local action)
Developing indicators and means of verification for the whole Action Plan
Setting responsibilities and work schedule
Immediate action
Main sessions:
Introduction to Marketing
Components of Marketing
Specificity of Marketing services
Demand and supply of tourism services
Tourism classification
Clients needs and motivation
Segmentation of tourism market
Tourist demand-driven product and its development and monitoring
Price and calculation
Main promotion tools and materials
Main sessions:
How to provide tourists with the level of comfort they expect
The main needs of clients
Criteria for being a successful service provider
Quality monitoring
Main sessions:
Providing food for foreigners
Food hygiene
The main principles of menu development for breakfast, lunch and dinner
How to lay the table
Practical preparation of some dishes
Main sessions:
What is marketing? Marketing complex. Supply and Demand of tourism
Product development cycle. Tour description.
Price. Calculating the cost of tourism products
Promotion and sales channels
Main sessions:
TIO organizational standards
Basics of working with clients at TIO
Practical methods of selling
Client and Needs
Handling complaints
Main sessions:
The main needs of clients
Anticipate needs
What is a customer?
Basic needs
Key indicators for client orientation
Handling complaints
Main sessions:
Functions of a Business Plan
The main chapters of a Business Plan
Financial Plan: balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement
Main sessions:
Concept of an organization's sustainability. Factors influencing an
organization's sustainability
The Onion model of an organization's development and its components.
Common values of a group
Mission, culture and structure of a group
SWOT – analysis of a group as a team
Developing an Action Plan stressing operational, institutional and financial
Main sessions:
Stages in the teams’ development
The role of the leaders
Conflicts, their categories and reasons why the occur
Conflict management
Main sessions:
Map reading and orientation
Tours' main attractions and equipment needed
Planning and arranging a tour
Possible threats and first aid
Instructions for horseback riding beginners
The budget for each training / seminar is not developed in advance, but depends on local conditions and is fully paid by the customer. The main budget items include:
1. The cost of teachers:
Remuneration, including one day for the preparation of the seminar and one day for the preparation of the report on the seminar / training;
Costs of accommodation and meals;
Transportation costs (airline tickets, taxi).
2. Organizational expenses:
Coffee breaks, lunches
Handout for participants
3. Equipment rental (boards, flipcharts (lecture posters on rails), moderators)
4. Copying of documents and handouts, including reports on the seminar (training).