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CBT Toktogul


Toktogul district is the largest administrative-territorial unit in terms of the territory of the Jalal-Abad region with a population of about 100,000 people. The region occupies the north and east of the region and is located in a mountainous area where several ranges of the Tien Shan converge: Talas, Atoynok, Ferghana, Suusamyr. The main waterway of the region is the Naryn River, which along with the rivers Uzun-Akmat, Chychkan and Torkent forms the largest reservoir of Central Asia - Toktogul. The Toktogul valley itself is relatively densely populated, in contrast to the remote mountainous areas of the region. Toktogul and Toktogul district are very conveniently located in the geographical center of the country on the main strategic route Bishkek - Osh, 300 km from Bishkek, 300 km from Jalal-Abad and 400 km from Osh. Toktogul district is also surrounded by mountain ranges (Talas, Atoynok, Ferghana, Suusamyr) and borders on the Talas region, Suusamyr valley of the Chuy region, Aksy, Bazar-Korgon and Toguz-Torin districts of the Jalal-Abad region, Zhumgal region. Such a neighborhood allows the planning and development of tour routes connecting Toktogul with Talas, the Sary-Chelek reserve, the Arslanbob and Kyzyl-Unkur walnut forests, the Saimaluu-Tash petroglyphs in Kazarman, the Suusamyr valley and even with the Son-Kul lake. The area also has a huge number of its natural attractions: The largest reservoir in Central Asia is the Toktogul reservoir, Alatay state park with one of the most beautiful lakes in Kyrgyzstan, Kara-Suu, Chychkansky and Uzunakmatsky reserves, the Naryn, Uzun-Akmat, Torkent, Chychkan rivers, mountain valleys and gorges, lakes and rivers.

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Address:Kyrgyz Republic, Jalal-Abad region, Toktogul district, Toktogul town, Israilov St., 18
Mobile: +996 704 433 338
WhatsApp:+996 704 433 338