The Naryn River is a foaming turquoise torrent from its source in the Tien Shan all the way to the Toktogul Reservoir (and onwards into the Syrdarya River). Son-Kol is about equidistant from Kochkor and Naryn, and many other less famous but no less beautiful jailoos attract shepherds and tranquility-seeking travelers alike. Finally, the road south from Naryn runs past Tash-Rabat, an ancient caravanserai, on its picturesque ascent to the Torugart Pass into Xingjian, 197km to the southwest. You may get to Naryn (360km of Bishkek) by taxi from the Western (“new”) bus terminal in Bishkek.
115km south of Naryn, one can visit the beautifully preserved 15th century Tash Rabat Caravanserai. It is important because it is one of the latest examples of ancient architecture, and has an unusual plan, the kinds of raw materials and for other reasons. The caravanserai was first mentioned by the author Mohamed Hider who lived in the 16th century. He supposed that Tash-Rabat was built by Mohamed Khan, who ruled in Mogulistan in the 1st part of the 14th century. Talking about the purposes of Tash-Rabat, the scholars suppose that functionally it is a caravanserai (a kind of hotel) on Silk Road, but some other sources (folk legends and stories) suggest that Tash-Rabat was built by Nestorians, and served as Nestorian Church in the past.
Nowadays, it’s possible to spend a night over there at yurt camps located not far from the caravanserai.